Saturday, February 13, 2016

Tution & Attendance Policy for Kazone Art Academy

1)   Monthly tuition is due every 4 weeks.  Payments received after the due date will be assessed a $25 late fee for each late monthly installment.

2)   Students are expected to attend all classes.  Consistent attendance offers the most effective opportunity for students to understand concepts, materials, and expectations of those courses in which they are enrolled. 
3)     It is the policy of the Kazone Art Academy to excuse the absences of students for the  following reasons:

Student will not receive credit for absences that do not fall into any of the categories outlined below 

• Illness or injury when the student is unable to attend class, student needs to obtain a doctor's note.

• Planned vacation/trip. Students requesting an excused absence must email to admin staff two weeks prior to the scheduled absence when known in advance.

(1) Unexcused absence allowed per month.

Three (3) unexcused tardies  will be considered as (1) unexcused absence.

Payment method:
Student can submit monthly tuition following method:
  • Check: Make payable to "Kazone art", be sure to state full student name on "memo". Place your check in an envelope (provided) and state any necessary memo and insert your envelope into a white deposit box.
  • Mail: Mail your check to Kazone Art: 4850 Barranca Parkway #201, Irvine CA 92604
  • Credit Card: Only available for PayPal account holder, send your invoice inquiry to none- PayPal account holder will be responsible for the transaction fee.